Friday, August 21, 2009

Miko always in our heart

A month has passed, Miko's absence is slowly less obvios. Still remember her bushy tail, her tights swinging from side to side as i watch her move, her pinky ears and nose, the smell of her fur ( smell of dirt ) and her ever noisy barks.

Always mummy wanted to build you a house, but we didnt find the need as you will not choose to hide in your own compartment. You prefer to wander in circles, dig you paws into the soil..

After you had gone, Baby was very lonely, she yearns for our attention very much. She likes to hide in between the pot and the chair, where you would normally do. We decided to build her a house, and paint it white, just like you.

After a weekend of sawing, polishing, sweating and another weak of painting and giving it a final touch, here we present you your house Baby. Hope you like it.

1 comment:

  1. We've lost Dagger for a month, the longer the time is, the lesser hope we have, but we still have faith in meeting her again 1 day...
