Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Trip to the Hospital

It was not my first time, waking up 6 oclock in the morning, dragging my lazy ass to the hospital with my grandma.

I never like the trip, not the part which i could accompany my grandma, but it's just sad to realize how much trouble one goes through just to see a doc. Most of them whom are senior citizens, either with a walking stick, or just too old to be queuing. Whenever i take a walk with my grandma, i always make an effort to slow down my pace, sometimes i even exagerate so she could walk ahead of me, thus making her feel younger.

There's just so much insecurities one gets when they gets older, equivalent to a baby who needs to be cuddle, all the time. I breifly summarize a very basic checkup trip my grandma goes through once every 3-4 months.

1. Wake up way early in the morning, and tag along my insane bro who works near the General Hospital.

2. Pacing to get to the counter to get a ticket, which will normally be around 6.40a.m.

3. Waits for the nurses to arrived. The nurse then call for her number which eventually leads to ANOTHER ticket.

4. Grab the ticket furiously and pacing to get to another department to wait again (around 8a.m.)

5. Waiting patiently outside the consultation room for the nurses in duty to call her name.

6. "Wong ___ ___!" (2sec- where my grandma will slowly gets up) ... "Wong ___ ___!" (2sec- where my grandma will furiously try to walk past other people) ... "Siapa Wong ___ ___?" (where the nurse finally get a glimpse of a sweet old lady waving to her)

7. She check her bp, weight and grandma waits again for her name to be call.

8. Around 8.45a.m, nurse called her name and finally grandma gets to make her way into the consultation room.

Damn, it still takes me 8 points to finalize a simple check up trip.

1 comment:

  1. dear, for a regular check up u might find it takes so looOOoooOOg time to queue up for a session of 15min with specialist. There are cancer patients wait for their queue to treatment for two mths. When it's their turn, some of them already developed a more severe level d...
